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When Should Your Christmas Lights Come Down

When Should Your Christmas Lights Come Down

The holidays are officially behind us, and the new year continues to unfold. With early nights and weeks of cold weather ahead, it can be easy to leave up those pretty Christmas lights for as long as possible. But just when should your Christmas lights come down?...

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Why Appliances Need a Dedicated Circuit

Why Appliances Need a Dedicated Circuit

Are you getting the most out of your appliances? And more importantly, are they running safely? The first step to ensuring the safety of your appliances and your home is understanding dedicated circuits and when they are needed.  What are dedicated...

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A Word From Our Customers

A Word From Our Customers

During this time of year, we like to take a moment to look back and be grateful for our wonderful customers. We are so lucky to have the support of our community so we can do what we love… and do it well. Here’s a word from one of our customers that reminded us why we...

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Electric Blanket Dos and Don’ts

Electric Blanket Dos and Don’ts

It’s finally winter weather, and that means it’s time to bundle up. Break out the scarves, gloves, hats and blankets, too! But with the coziness comes certain dangers, especially with electric blankets. Here’s a list of dos and don’ts when it comes to using your extra...

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How to Test an Outlet

How to Test an Outlet

Have you ever wondered if power is actually reaching your outlet? Or plugged in an appliance or device to discover it simply doesn’t work? Or worse, have you ever set up a new entertainment center or lighting fixture only to discover the nearby outlet is shot?...

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Broken Lightbulbs 101

Broken Lightbulbs 101

Do you often find yourself asking, “Why do my lightbulbs keep blowing?” or “Didn’t I just buy and replace those bulbs last week?” These questions are more common than you might think. Blown lightbulbs can be frustrating, especially when it seems to happen frequently...

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