Do you often find yourself asking, “Why do my lightbulbs keep blowing?” or “Didn’t I just buy and replace those bulbs last week?” These questions are more common than you might think. Blown lightbulbs can be frustrating, especially when it seems to happen frequently with no obvious cause. They can even be scary if the problem persists and worsens. But lightbulb issues don’t always point to serious home safety problems. The solution could be simple, and we’re here to explain it all. 

Cheap Bulbs 

As with many items, lower prices means lower quality. If you opt for the lower priced bulb, they just won’t last very long, meaning you’ll buy bulbs more frequently. If you choose the higher quality, LED options, you’ll get a longer lasting light source, better energy efficiency and more reliability than the cheaper stuff. (Also, LED bulbs don’t contain mercury, which can be extremely harmful.) 

Fixture Vibration

Do you have a shaky ceiling fan or loud garage door or rambunctious kids? The vigorous movement or vibrations from those things could be causing fixture vibration, resulting in premature light outage. One solution for this type of problem is buying bulbs label “rough service,” which are resistant to excessive vibration and other external stresses.

Loose Connections

Another possible cause for blown bulbs is a loose connection. This can cause your bulb to flicker and burn out at a faster rate. Always ensure the bulbs are screwed into their sockets firmly. If this doesn’t solve the problem, the connection issue could be in the wiring. We recommend calling a licensed electrician to handle this type of problem. 

Incorrect Wattage

The numbers on lightbulb packaging mean more than just brightness. They are a light guide for certain fixtures. Using an incorrect wattage for specific fixtures can cause premature burnouts more quickly. Always check the fixture’s label to see how much wattage it can safely handle. Want a brighter room? Try LED bulbs which offer a brighter light with less wattage. 

High Voltage

If the voltage powering your home is higher than it should be, the bulbs will burn brighter and hotter than they need to. This shortens their lifespan, causing blown bulbs. Tripped circuit breakers are another sign that your home’s voltage is too high. If you suspect your home might be running at a higher voltage than necessary, try using a voltage tester. If your home measures above 125 volts, contact a residential electrician as soon as possible. High voltage homes can be very dangerous. 

Ready to stop worrying about lightbulbs blowing up? We’re happy to help! Contact us to learn more.