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How Long Do Light Switches Last

How Long Do Light Switches Last

How to tell if an electric light switch has gone bad Have your lights been flickering recently? Maybe a light went out and you’re struggling to get it back on. Occasionally, changing a bulb or checking the breakers isn’t enough to get your lights back on. There are...

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Is a Whole House Surge Protector Worth It?

Is a Whole House Surge Protector Worth It?

While more popular, power strips aren’t the best way to protect your home from power surges. With power surges on the rise throughout the United States and turbulent weather unexpectedly popping up, the best way to protect your home, family and appliances is with a...

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How to Ground a Two-Prong Outlet

How to Ground a Two-Prong Outlet

While they used to be the standard in most homes, two-prong outlets have become outdated and rather dangerous. Do you have any two-prong outlets in your home? If so, you might have to take extra precautions, like grounding every two-prong outlet, to ensure your home...

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Benefits of LED Lighting

Benefits of LED Lighting

LED bulbs, also known as light-emitting diodes, have become one of the most energy efficient technologies of today. Not only do these advanced options last longer than traditional bulbs, they also are more durable, safer, and offer better light quality than any...

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When Should I Upgrade My Electrical Panel

When Should I Upgrade My Electrical Panel

The electrical panel is one of the most important and utilized parts of your home. It flows energy to every appliance, every lightbulb, every device and essentially keeps your home running the way you need it to. It brings comfort and convenience that we’ve come to...

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Does a Fridge Need a Dedicated Circuit

Does a Fridge Need a Dedicated Circuit

The National Electrical Code requires certain appliances be served by a single dedicated circuit. No other appliances may be served by these dedicated circuits to avoid overloading your electrical system. But how do you know which appliances need dedicated circuits?...

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