Choosing Commercial Lighting Fixtures

Choosing Commercial Lighting Fixtures

Create an Environment Tailored for Business Create an inviting work space with appropriate lighting fixtures tailored for business. By carefully choosing commercial lighting fixtures, you can offer the perfect work environment that is functional, comfortable, and...

Should I Upgrade My Electrical Panel?

Why Electrical Panel Upgrades Are Important You might know the panel by another name, such as circuit breaker or fuse box. No matter what you call it, the system function remains the same—distributing power throughout your home. Just like the central nervous system...
Tips for Hiring a Commercial Electrician

Tips for Hiring a Commercial Electrician

Deciding to install or add electrical service to commercial property can be a large project to undertake. Obviously, reviewing a few things before you hire anyone is a smart move. Keep these tips and advice in mind when hiring a commercial electrician for your...
An Annual Electrical Inspection …

An Annual Electrical Inspection …

Is it Part of Your Home Maintenance Routine? The start of a new year prompts the review of annual home maintenance checklists. But do you include an annual electrical inspection as part of your home maintenance routine? According to the Electrical Safety Foundation...