When Should I Upgrade My Electrical Panel

When Should I Upgrade My Electrical Panel

The electrical panel is one of the most important and utilized parts of your home. It flows energy to every appliance, every lightbulb, every device and essentially keeps your home running the way you need it to. It brings comfort and convenience that we’ve come to...
Does a Fridge Need a Dedicated Circuit

Does a Fridge Need a Dedicated Circuit

The National Electrical Code requires certain appliances be served by a single dedicated circuit. No other appliances may be served by these dedicated circuits to avoid overloading your electrical system. But how do you know which appliances need dedicated circuits?...
Why Appliances Need a Dedicated Circuit

Why Appliances Need a Dedicated Circuit

Are you getting the most out of your appliances? And more importantly, are they running safely? The first step to ensuring the safety of your appliances and your home is understanding dedicated circuits and when they are needed.  What are dedicated...
A Word From Our Customers

A Word From Our Customers

During this time of year, we like to take a moment to look back and be grateful for our wonderful customers. We are so lucky to have the support of our community so we can do what we love… and do it well. Here’s a word from one of our customers that reminded us why we...
Electric Blanket Dos and Don’ts

Electric Blanket Dos and Don’ts

It’s finally winter weather, and that means it’s time to bundle up. Break out the scarves, gloves, hats and blankets, too! But with the coziness comes certain dangers, especially with electric blankets. Here’s a list of dos and don’ts when it comes to using your extra...