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Choosing The Right Lighting for Each Room of Your House

Choosing The Right Lighting for Each Room of Your House

When choosing lighting for the rooms in your home, there are a few things to consider: the purpose of each room, the types of lighting available to meet the room's needs, necessary power requirements, and energy efficiency. Considering all these factors, you can...

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How Does a Basic Light Switch Work?

How Does a Basic Light Switch Work?

Light switches are common to every home and type of building on the planet that receives electricity. But have you ever wondered how they work and what kind of choices are available to you when shopping for light switches? A basic light switch is a simple device that controls the flow of electricity to the lights and appliances in your home.

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7 Tips For Choosing the Right Place to Put Plugs When Building a New Home

7 Tips For Choosing the Right Place to Put Plugs When Building a New Home

Building a new home is an exciting endeavor with hundreds of decisions that need to be made. Did you know that outlet placement is one of them? While it may seem like a small detail, proper outlet placement will make life easier and smoother down the road for everyone. If you’re wondering where plugs go in a new build, the answer is anywhere! Understanding your needs and how you will use your new space is the top priority when choosing the right place to place plugs. A professional electrician can assist you with drawing up an appropriate plan.

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Why Do Some Electrical Outlets Have Reset Buttons?

Why Do Some Electrical Outlets Have Reset Buttons?

As a homeowner or a watcher of old mystery movies, you probably know that water and electricity don’t mix. What you may not know is that modern household electrical outlets are specially designed to keep you and your property safe from electrical mishaps. The outlets in your bathroom and kitchen – or anywhere electricity and moisture are in proximity – are ground fault circuit interrupters or GFCIs, and they feature “test” and “reset” buttons.

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5 Basic Rules of Electrical Wiring in a Home

5 Basic Rules of Electrical Wiring in a Home

From our computers where we make our livings to cooking our meals to heating and cooling our homes, electricity is integral to modern life. However, it can also be the source of property damage and serious injuries if not properly installed and maintained over time. In a report from the National Fire Protection Association, electrical wiring and related equipment was to blame in most home fires, which can result in property damage, injuries, and deaths. To avoid disasters and maintain the electrical wiring in your home, it is recommended that you follow five basic rules.

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Should Every Electric Plug Have a Third (Grounding) Prong?

Should Every Electric Plug Have a Third (Grounding) Prong?

If your home was built before 1960, you may still get your electricity from two-pronged outlets. However, many of today’s modern appliances, including computers, use a three-pronged plug, a safety feature that ensures the appliance cannot become electrified and shock the user. While adapters exist to allow three-pronged plugs to receive electricity from two-pronged outlets, they are not the safest choice.

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