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Electrical Upgrade Options for Your Brookhaven Home

Electrical Upgrade Options for Your Brookhaven Home

Whether you’re planning a big project, or just changing out the appliances, home maintenance increases the comfort and the quality of your home. And electrical upgrades are some of the best ways to realize your home improvement goals. With an upgrade, you can protect...

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Draining Your Power: Appliances that Use the Most Energy

Draining Your Power: Appliances that Use the Most Energy

If you’ve ever thought, “I’m spending too much on my energy bill each month,” you might be on to something. High electric bills are directly related to the way you use electricity in your home. Several homeowners end up paying far too much because of one or more...

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Why Electrical Service Panel Upgrades Are Important

Why Electrical Service Panel Upgrades Are Important

Just like the central nervous system connects information throughout your body, electrical service panels do the same with all the electricity in your home. You might know the panel by another name, such as circuit breaker or fuse box. No matter what you call it, the...

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4 Ways to Lower Your Atlanta Electricity Bill

4 Ways to Lower Your Atlanta Electricity Bill

As summer finally arrives in Metro Atlanta, so do warmer temperatures. And since you will be cooling your home throughout the summer months, now is a good time to consider ways you can lower your energy bill. At Shockley Electric, our expert electricians understand...

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Maintaining Your Aging Brookhaven Home

Maintaining Your Aging Brookhaven Home

Dishwashers, computers, electronic toothbrushes, even coffee makers—none of these existed back when many older, historic homes were being built. The increasing demand for energy can overburden aging electrical systems and cause a fire or electrocution. If your home is...

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