There are a lot of things a commercial property manager has to deal with, but few are more important than correctly repairing and maintaining property electrical systems. By keeping a watchful eye on them, you can save time, money, and even lives.
The problem is, electricity is confusing. Between the thousands of feet of wires, and more municipal codes than grains of sand on a beach, determining a proper plan of action for your properties electrical systems can seem an impossible task. So, to help lead you on the path to property manager nirvana, here are a few things you can do to make your electrical services run smoothly for years to come.
Get an Inspection
Just like a doctor uses a physical to better understand your health, an inspection helps electricians understand your property. And while many people associate inspections with added costs and headaches, inspectors can often times discover ways for properties to save money and run more efficiently.
Remove Unnecessary Wiring
Whenever you have new wiring installed on your property, have someone do a check to make sure the existing wires are functional and to code. By removing unnecessary wiring, you lower the risk of electrical fire while also making future repairs less complicated. Warning – please don’t attempt by yourself unless you are fully capable.
Create a List of Services Administered.
It sounds like a lot of work, but by listing every service executed on your property in detail can help you predict future costs and services needed. Think of it like a vehicle history report but on a much larger scale.
Hire the Best Electrician For You
As we explained in a previous blog, electricians are not a dime-a-dozen, and not every one of them is right for every job. Make sure your electrician is licensed, experienced with your type of property, and is definitely insured.
Side with Caution
Don’t leave anything to chance. If you believe a wire needs to be replaced, or a circuit might need to be fixed, DO IT. According to the USFA, 7.9% of all nonresidential fires were due to electrical malfunction, resulting billions of dollars in damage and sometimes even loss of life. Be proactive, and be safe!
At Shockley, we have been helping commercial property managers with their electrical needs since 2005. If you need electrical help with your commercial property, contact us call (770) 630 – 6858 to speak with an expert at Shockley today.